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    Hey, I'm Perla Garcia and I pitched the original concept for "Dare-Deviled Egg". Although the result is different from the original boards and character, it has a bit of everyone of the team. We faced the usual challenges of having a small team, such as the lack of resources. I played a role in creating some boards, concept, finding audio and being an in-between animator- as most did everyone else. Communication was vital in the success of the animation and we all made sure to be in touch with each other and ask for clarification if we weren't sure about an aspect of the project. I believe part of our success of our team is that we had good chemistry with each other and were understanding of each others struggles with work, school and life in general. At the end of the day, no matter the work load, the team made sure to keep the project together.

     My name is Amada Kassandra Miranda. Working on “Hard Boiled” production was a great experience. In this production, there were up and downs and I believe that made us a strong team. We saw our mistakes and we fixed them. Things never went really as planned because life gets in the way. I was sick a few days of this production, but we communicated and we got it done. Communication used to be our weakness, but with these experiences we learned to overcome that. We worked together and pulled through every time, and made this amazing animation. I am proud to be a part of creating.

   Hello, my name is Matthew Keller. When the project began as Dare Deviled Egg, my biggest challenge was engaging with the story. Prior to joining this project, I had no knowledge of dare devil entertainment and had nothing to bring to the table for this twist on the classic tale of Humpty Dumpty. It wasn’t until storyboarding began that inspiration started forming and from the boards that were brought to the team, the art style of the show was found.

  Hello, my name is Chris Silva. Working on this project was a very helpful learning experience. My role was gathering sound and editing. We did have some communication issues at first, which delayed the project a little, but we learned from our mistakes and finished the animation. This project helped me better understand team productions and what my overall skill can offer in the industry.

I'm Josephine Van Wetter, and I had the unique opportunity to be project manager/director of this project. The overall experience was a challenge for all of us. One of the things that was a challenge was constant communication and in a timely manner. Understanding everyone's strengths and weaknesses was another challenge. We did the best we could with what we had, and I tried my best to assign everyone something that was in their skill level. Managing this team was a learning experience. Every team is different and has their own challenges, but we all had good chemistry together and it wasn't too difficult to figure out how to manage this team.

Mongo (artistic consultant) : "meow."

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